Apply To Be An Ambassador Today.
If you love our planet as much as we do, you'll want to be part of our community. Promote our beautiful artworks and help us plant 1 million trees! Fill Out The Form Below.
Earn Incredible Commissions
Are you a good match?
We are looking for passionate, outgoing individuals that care about our community, our planet and our future. Does that sound like you, then apply to join our network of ambassadors.
We only ship to the USA, Canada and Europe, so we prefer working with people who have an audience in these regions.
What's in it for you?
- Promote Awesome Artworks
- Plant Lots Of Trees
- Buy Artworks With An Ambassador Discount
- We provide you with images for social media (>5000)
- 60 day cookies
- Earn $30 (25€) commission per Artwork!
Our Ambassador Promise
Discounts on all artworks, 20 Trees planted per product.
Tell your network about us and help us get to our first million trees.
Get a chance to get featured on our official instagram page.